Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Wonders Of Cinnamon - More Than Merely A Scented Stick

A few days ago, I was watching my wife cooking in the kitchen and going through the different spices on the spice rack. Something is still lacking in her soup taste, she thought. The smell and the aroma just didn’t quite click, still no “ummph”, as I always say it. We both then realized she has forgotten the one thing that completes it. It is none other than the cinnamon stick.

After I have done some reading, only then I realized there is more than just aroma and taste this particular ingredient gives to our cooking. There is a lot more. Since my wife uses it often, we both need to know what else this cinnamon can really benefit us. You will be amazed at what the cinnamon stick in your kitchen can actually cure. How about helping you reduce weight? How about helping you look young (it also acts as anti-aging effect). How about helping you reduce your cholesterol level? Well, let’s find out.

About Cinnamon
Cinnamon stick, or its scientific name, Cinnamoman Burmani, is a type of spice in the form of sticks (actually skin peeled out of a Cinnamon tree). It is normally used to add flavor in cooking and sometimes it is also used in health and beauty products (examples are soaps, lip gloss, shower/bath cream, etc). In its natural form, it is spicy, a little sweet, hot and has beautiful aroma. Cinnamon is widely cultivated in tropical countries where the weather is hot and humid.

Here is the interesting part, cinnamon can actually be a remedy for these problems: [Read more]

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